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 Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson...

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2 participants


Messages : 3487
Date d'inscription : 27/09/2007
Age : 31
Localisation : Hellemmes-Lille

Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... Empty
MessageSujet: Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson...   Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... EmptyMer 22 Avr - 12:24

Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... Img-1124493x8nx

The loss of Natasha Richardson was a very tragic one and Jodie Foster released a statement two days on the death of her one-time co-star Natasha Richardson. The actresses starred in the Oscar-nominated "Nell" in 1994. I thought it was so well-written I had to post it.

Foster says, "Natasha was brilliant, beautiful, funny, talented beyond measure, as emotionally raw as she was razor sharp." She continued, "Tasha loved fiercely and that love continues in all of us who knew her."

The 46-year-old sends a message of love to Richardson's family as well, saying, "May Liam, her beautiful boys and her loving family hold her close as they move through this tragic moment."

Article tiré du forum anglais Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... Img-11205887p08

Academy Award winner Jodie Foster penned an essay in this week's People Magazine, remembering her late costar Natasha Richardson.

Two two starred in 1994's Nell, along with Richardson's husband Liam Neeson, where Foster says she grew to know and love the luminous actress.

"Every weekend Natasha cooked delicious dinners where we all talked and played board games. They were memorable evenings filled with her deep hearty laugh and tons of stories...she wanted to create a sense of family wherever she went," Foster writes.

Jodie also indicates that the movie set was the site of "the first blushes of Liam and Natasha's relationship."

The pair planned their wedding details in their off time.

"Whenever they were together, it was electric—two seemingly opposite characters who connected in such a rare and fierce way."

Neeson has been holding it together, soon heading back to work on his film Chloe.

"I am so sad that she is gone," Foster says of Natasha, "It just seems so unbelievable that this beautiful, talented, loving person should have been whisked away without warning."

Info tirée d'ici :
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conducteur(trice) du caddie express de Charlie
conducteur(trice) du caddie express de Charlie

Messages : 1775
Date d'inscription : 27/09/2007
Age : 33
Localisation : Eure-et-Loir

Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson...   Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... EmptySam 25 Avr - 16:25

:'( Il n'y a rien à faire à chaque fois que j'y repense je suis boulversée...

J'aime comme Jodie décrit l'histoire de Liam et Natasha...

♥ elle restera toujours dans nos coeurs
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Messages : 3487
Date d'inscription : 27/09/2007
Age : 31
Localisation : Hellemmes-Lille

Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson...   Jodie Foster et Natasha Richardson... EmptySam 25 Avr - 16:26

Oui j'ai regardé Nell ce matin, justement... C'est trop injuste !
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